Rules of Procedure for the OASIS WS-I Member Section

The OASIS WS-I Member Section operated from Feb 2002 until Dec 2017. The Member Section championed Best Practices for web services interoperability by developing a comprehensive set of Web Services Profiles, Sample Applications and Testing Tools. Three of the Profiles became ISO Standards. The Web Services Basic Reliable and Secure Profiles (WS-BRSP) Technical Committee remains active and the archives of this work are publicly accessible.
Information on this website is preserved for legacy purposes only.

  1. a. Name of Member Section

    The name of the Member Section shall be the Web Services-Interoperability (WS-I) Member Section.

    b. Member Section Statement of Work

    The WS-I Member Section facilitates the creation and operation of an environment made up of customers and vendors in support of delivering interoperability guidance and testing of SOAP-based Web services that often goes beyond individual specification testing.

    The Member Section will provide coordination of any Technical Committees (TCs) under its umbrella and various adoption and marketing activities it may choose to undertake. It will also provide the governance structure to accept and manage funds.

    c. Rules for Electing Steering Committee Members

    The maximum number of Steering Committee members shall be seven. The number of Steering Committee members may be changed by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the Member Section Qualified Electors in an electronic ballot, and such that it is consistent with OASIS Member Section Policy or by the process described in the Member Section Policy

    d. Initial Makeup of Member Section Steering Committee

    The initial Steering Committee was properly presented in the original Rules of Procedure document and has been removed from subsequent versions for reading clarity. 

    e. Funding Model for the Member Section

    The WS-I Member Section initially shall retain no separate membership dues percentage, but, reserves the right to do so at a later time.

    Additionally, the Member Section may receive funds directly from sources other than membership dues, and may at the election of its Steering Committee pursue revenue generating and business activities, such as events, grants and donations, so long as these are consistent with OASIS policies and the consortium's not-for-profit tax-exempt status. The Steering Committee may choose to take advantage of any funding sources available to support marketing, testing and interoperability activities associated with the Member Section Statement of Work. All such activities and expenditures will be subject to OASIS policies, budgeting and reporting practices.

    f. Provisions that Apply to Affiliated Technical Committees

    OASIS Technical Committees may seek to affiliate with the Member Section as provided in the OASIS Member Section Policy.

    Technical Committees that are charged with the maintenance and evolution of existing RAND based inputs may operate under the RAND IPR mode. All other Technical Committees affiliated with this Member Section shall operate under either Royalty Free on Limited Terms IPR or the Non-Assertion IPR modes.

    Technical Committees affiliated with this Member Section doing profile* work, shall define a “profile package” which consists of the profile specification along with its test assertions and accompanying set of test tools and test cases as OASIS Final Deliverables. Additionally, subject to other requirements described in this Member Section RoP, the profile specification and test assertions may be approved as an OASIS Standard.

    A minimum of four (4) independent implementations that pass all test cases will be required for a profile to be considered for approval as a Committee Spec. A minimum of four (4) independent implementations that pass all test cases will be required before the Member Section Steering Committee may approve the submittal of a profile Committee Specification to the OASIS membership for approval as an OASIS Standard, and a minimum of five (5) independent implementations that pass all test cases will be required before the Member Section Steering Committee may approve the submittal of an OASIS Standard to a de jure standards body (e.g. ISO, IEC or ITU).

    Technical Committees affiliated with this Member Section should have charters that define coordination points with other Technical Committees in the Member Section to ensure that related specifications/deliverables are consistent and can be used with each other.

    Technical Committees affiliated with this Member Section must obtain approval from the Steering Committee prior to submitting any delivery to the OASIS Technical Committee Administration for OASIS Membership vote and prior to submitting any delivery to de jure standards organizations. Approval by the Steering Committee will be by majority vote of all Steering Committee members eligible to vote.

    * The purpose of a profile is to: clarify, correct and/or make small modifications (restrictions, adaptations, and/or extensions) to a set of underlying specs to increase the likelihood of interoperability; as well as describing conventions for composing those specifications.

    g. Other Provisions

    The Steering Committee will elect its own chair, vice-chair and secretary, and set its own meeting schedule and agenda, operating under Roberts Rules of Order (newly revised) and all applicable OASIS policies. It also has the option (if approved by Steering Committee vote) of electing a Treasurer to be the primary point of contact for financial reporting and spending authorization.

    All meeting minutes and official Steering Committee activities will be published on the publicly archived Steering Committee mail list.

    The Steering Committee may adopt additional standing rules for its operations and Member Section operations, if not inconsistent with these Rules or OASIS policies.

    The Member Section reserves the right to exclusive use of the term “WS-I” in names of any OASIS deliverables, mailing lists, etc.

    Any Technical Committee requesting to be affiliated with the WS-I Member Section must be approved by a special majority of the Steering Committee.

    Once the Steering Committee is established, it may modify these Member Section Rules of Procedure, subject to approval of the OASIS Board of Directors as provided in the OASIS Member Section Policy.


    This ROP revision reduces the Steering Committee size from 8 to 7 at the request of the Steering Committee and was approved by the OASIS Board of Directors on 26 January 2016.

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